We have had a job for about a month and a half now. We are pet sitting. We take this job very seriously. The pet gets lots of love every day. Alexa and Chloe make sure of that.

It is possible we may have some explaining to do over a few bad habits. I don't feel completely responsible. I mean Lucy already had a pretty cushy life. As Alexa was quick to point out to me, "Mommy, Jason said we could feed the dog," and she is right. He did. He may not have realized exactly what that would look like in the long run. So for that I publicly apologize for any relentless begging habits that she may have picked up from the girls. You see dinner kind of looks like this around here...

As for our own dog Cabbie, a bit of a double standard holds. He is still sentenced to the "other room" during dinner. He waits out meals times with every bit the envious stares you can imagine, but he stays put.

Well, most of the time. As for Lucy's habit...
I am sorry.

They just can't resist that face!
With eyes like that, who could resist?