Here we are at the end of January and tomorrow marks a new month. My kids count months by what holidays they can celebrate in them. So February marks the count down to Valentines Day. Which, to them, means giving your friends cards and having a school party. Alexa wanted to buy cards to give her friends which is fine by me. She picked Barbie cards by the way and she was so excited to start filling them out she jumped right into signing her name. It is good that she did because experience has taught me that it is best to do a few at a time as they tend to run out of momentum pretty quickly.

Chloe always wants to make Valentines for her classmates. This is a more extensive endeavor. This weekend I was out and saw a kit for making bear magnet valentines. The box contains enough to make 30 and enough supplies to mix and match them as you like. She was thrilled and made four today.
Aren't they cute little buggers?
Really cute little boogers. I'm impressed.