The girls enjoy the freedom of the island. They have a looser reign than they do here at home. It is so isolated and rural that they are allowed to be out and about by themselves more there. My only rules are that they have to stay where they can see the house and out of the road. The road really isn't a huge issue. With a year round population of around 50 there isn't a whole lot of traffic, but you know it seems like one of those parent things you are suppose to say. Keeping to where they see the house means that they are no where near the ocean unsupervised and that I can usually spot them from a window.
We did decide that I would take them exploring further from the house a couple of days. It was pretty cold and windy, but we bundled up and headed out. They wanted to head through the woods and see if we could spot a deer. We never did get to see one. We did see some tracks in the snow and some deer poop. Enough to leave them excited that we were close on the trail.

As you can see they also found some ice patches to slide around on too.

It always helps brave polar explorers to be able to have a grammie that stocks her house with hot chocolate and cookies for when you return.
"On the Island" sounds so magical--something from a book I'd read about New England.