Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Princess and the Scientist

It occurs to me sometimes just how different my children are and yesterday was not exception. Alexa came home and promptly put on her princess and fairy finery. She then wanted to help me make her favorite penne pasta dish for dinner. She looked so funny helping me cook all dressed up that I couldn't help but take her picture.

On a completely separate wave length (shall we say) Chloe had learned about matter, solids, liquids, and gases in school. She spent half the night pointing out everything in the house and identifying it as one of those.

"Look, Mommy, this has matter. It is a solid"

"Look, Mommy, this has matter too. It is a liquid."
"There is matter here too. Can you tell? It is everywhere."

It makes for an entertaining dinner dining with royalty and scientists.

1 comment:

  1. Don't hear my children with their darn NM educations spouting such info.
