It is always interesting to take step on the parent end of school. Tonight was Chloe's school open house. They combine it with the spaghetti dinner and a scholastic book fair. Thursday's are the night the girls have dinner with their dad before coming home, so I met them at the school so we could all attend. Chloe very proudly showed us all around the school. She was very excited about her hopes and dreams flag she made. She drew a horse on it and informed us her goal is to ride a horse when she grows up every where she goes. It should be interesting to see how that works out with her future commute to work.
She gave us a wonderful tour of her classroom and I was able to speak with her teacher for a few minutes. She noted that Chloe was stubborn. I would love to say that was the first time I had ever heard that, but to be fair it is the first time I have ever heard that with so few other adjectives attached to it. She went on to say it isn't too bad and that she is stubborn too so it all works out OK. Her music teacher says she sings with perfect pitch. I have no idea what recessive gene she accessed to achieve that little skill. I assure you it didn't come from either of her parents.

It was fun to see her so excited. She even gave her sister a little extra care in showing her around, "because she is shy!" As Chloe announced to everyone each time we encountered someone new.
Alexa opted to be the photographer. She took some pictures around Chloe's classroom. It is cute to remember how the world looks to Alexa... here is an Alexa view of me...
Chloe's teacher is in the blue shirt. Let's all just pause and send the woman some good energy now for all the patience she shows...

Chloe and Alexa eating at the spagetti dinner in the cafeteria.