Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Taco Night

I am not sure who in our house enjoys taco night more...


or Cabbie.

Who waits at the edge of the kitchen through the entire meal. Staring at any morsel that might hit the floor and memorizing its location. So that he can become this...

otherwise known as vacuum dog.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Parade

Chloe's school had a parade down Church Street to announce their opening as a magnet school this year. It took place Thursday morning at 9:15. Since I was not able to go, my neighbors Doug and Marti went down to cheer for Chloe and took pictures. The parade finished at the Flynn Center, and the kids all attended a kick off celebration.

Check out the cute kid singing into her hand made megaphone behind the banner!

Along with my guest photographers today there is also a guest story teller...

Chloe's version of the events is as follows, " The two first grade classes were squished together in the front. I even saw people open their windows to see the parade. I had a really fun time. We walked to the Flynn Center. We saw people talk at the Flynn. Did you know that Lawrence Barnes School was an Academy too? It was really fun. My favorite part was when I saw some Wheeler kids up on the stage doing a dance. They were fourth grade or fifth grade. They did a really good job. There was really good music. I even got to be chosen for the lucky kid who got to go on stage. I was with Kamil and Stephanie. We performed a show called the River Alligators. I was the alligator. There was blue tape of the floor to show the river."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chloe's Open House

It is always interesting to take step on the parent end of school. Tonight was Chloe's school open house. They combine it with the spaghetti dinner and a scholastic book fair. Thursday's are the night the girls have dinner with their dad before coming home, so I met them at the school so we could all attend. Chloe very proudly showed us all around the school. She was very excited about her hopes and dreams flag she made. She drew a horse on it and informed us her goal is to ride a horse when she grows up every where she goes. It should be interesting to see how that works out with her future commute to work.

She gave us a wonderful tour of her classroom and I was able to speak with her teacher for a few minutes. She noted that Chloe was stubborn. I would love to say that was the first time I had ever heard that, but to be fair it is the first time I have ever heard that with so few other adjectives attached to it. She went on to say it isn't too bad and that she is stubborn too so it all works out OK. Her music teacher says she sings with perfect pitch. I have no idea what recessive gene she accessed to achieve that little skill. I assure you it didn't come from either of her parents.

It was fun to see her so excited. She even gave her sister a little extra care in showing her around, "because she is shy!" As Chloe announced to everyone each time we encountered someone new.
Alexa opted to be the photographer. She took some pictures around Chloe's classroom. It is cute to remember how the world looks to Alexa... here is an Alexa view of me...

Chloe's teacher is in the blue shirt. Let's all just pause and send the woman some good energy now for all the patience she shows...

Chloe and Alexa eating at the spagetti dinner in the cafeteria.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

While I Made Dinner

It is amazing what can happen while I attempt to make dinner. See this cute kid with the oh so cute remote controlled dinosaur?
Well, it actually isn't so cute while it is whizzing around your feet while you are cooking.
You may have noted they are now located in the living room. Really, it was for every one's safety.

And this?

This is Alexa getting into the drawer of cling on window stickers with holiday themes someone gave them. We are now simultaneously decorated for Halloween, Christmas, winter, Easter, and Valentines Day all at once. Which is probably a good thing because I usually can't be bothered to summon the energy to decorate more than once a year anyhow. So we might as well hit them all at once.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Truly Pathetic

Here are some signs that you might have a truly pathetic dog.

One: On the last day of summer he went outside dressed like this

and still shivered and whined to be let back in.

He has a tendency lie in bed all day an suck on soft toys.

(Photo by Alexa)

Just look at that face,

is he not the homeliest dog you have ever seen?

His redeeming qualities included a deep love for Alexa

and a passion for cleaning the floor under the kitchen table each night after dinner so I no longer need to sweep.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Teamwork Painting

When you only have one easel some times everyone has to work together. This worked out really well today. It doesn't always work like that, but today it went really smoothly. Alexa was creating some pictures when Chloe wanted to join in. She readily agreed to let her sister join her at the easel. Oh happy day for me when all those speeches about being good to each other and playing together actually seem to be sinking in. Yeah, yeah, yeah tomorrow they will be trying to clobber each other but give me my moment people.

As you can see art is a messy experience. Not sure if Alexa looks like she is painting or about to go play football with those marks under her eyes.

No idea why Chloe decided to look like she is about to eat the brush!

Behold the masterpiece!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

For Grammie Eva

This is a big thank you for Grammie Eva who loves us and knits us great things. How cute are these hats? Look Grammie it was chilly this morning so off we went to school in our new doggie hats. They got lots of comments!

Chloe has come to think that Grammie is her own personal sweat shop of knitting. She requests all kinds of creations and Grammie does her best to fill them. I hate to break it to you but Alexa has one to...can you do a pink hat with a purple flower? What about if she gives you a please?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Things you should before going to bed

Here are some helpful hints from Chloe and Alexa that you should do to have a restful night's sleep.
Number One: Put on your ever so comfy footy pajamas.

Number Two:

Pick out your clothes for tomorrow so you can carefully tell mommy what exactly you will be wearing to school.

Number Three:
If she tries to hurry you give her this look...

lower your voice and say, "Mommy..." because these things can not be hurried.

Number Four:

Play race the toothpaste spit with your sister.

The rules to this game are simple suds up your teeth and spit. The toothpaste that gets to the drain first wins.

Finish off with a couple of good stories, tuck into bed, and you should be all set for a restful slumber.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Apple Picking

We have a favorite spot to go apple picking. Allenholm Farm is in South Hero, Vermont and has a combination of things the girls find oh so much fun. There are farm animals to pet and feed, as well as a tractor ride to the apple trees, plus the picking of apples itself. So we headed there this afternoon in between rain showers to get ourselves some fresh picked apples.

I bought the girls some feed for the animals. As you can see Chloe was more willing to feed them than Alexa. She needed some help.

There is also the presence of free roaming chickens. Chloe relished to opportunity to catch and hold them.

Alexa preferred the fuzzier goat, calves, and bunnies (thank goodness since I am not a fan of chickens).

Nothing like a tractor ride! Well, for Alexa any way... Chloe is not as impressed with it anymore.

But check out all the apples they picked! 18 pounds. I couldn't get them to stop. They swore they would eat them all. We shall see.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Things That Make You Giggle

You know how you have that favorite food? You know the one that makes you feel all happy inside at the thought of eating it. For Alexa it is fresh raspberries from the farmer's market.

See? That pint now has about 12 berries left.
Or how about if you try to eat corn on the cob with no front teeth?

Uh Mom, this isn't working so well...

worked OK for me!

Maybe you should just finish the day up with a little dinosaur squirt gun play in the tub.

Just kinda makes you smile.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Outside Art

It was beautiful day today weather wise- warm and sunny. My children, of course, wanted to play inside when we got home. I have the hardest time getting them outside to play. When it happens it is usually because I shove them out there and it often sounds like I am punishing them in some way. Today was no different. We got home and the first thing they did was start dragging out art supplies. Now I just spent 8 hours inside a classroom spending my day getting other people's children to pick up after themselves. I don't want to clean up even more art mess in my house just to get dinner on the table.

So I arrived at a solution...art outside. So here they are happily painting away on the grass. Yeah an occasional dog tried to venture into the studio space but you know every artist has to work through difficulties now and then.

The finished products... Art by Chloe

Art by Alexa...

As an added perk we now have colorful grass patches too.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Adventures in Bike Riding

I decided that we should go exploring today. I have noticed over the course of the summer that along a section of the bike path there is some kind of impromptu sculpture being constructed down on the beach. I noticed it while I was running, but I didn't want to stop and check it out. So I told the girls we would pile their bikes into the car, drive down to Waterfront Park, and then bike down the bike path to the rock sculptures to check them out.

I will spare you the dramatics about biking from one child. I am sure the pictures tell it best.

And no that is not the new bike with out training wheels that we have been working on riding this summer... sigh...

The sculptures were pretty cool. They have expanded pretty far around the beach. A lot of piles of rocks, mixed in with pieces of drift wood, random pieces of metal, and the occassional message. It was interesting and neat to look at.