It was beautiful day today weather wise- warm and sunny. My children, of course, wanted to play inside when we got home. I have the hardest time getting them outside to play. When it happens it is usually because I shove them out there and it often sounds like I am punishing them in some way. Today was no different. We got home and the first thing they did was start dragging out art supplies. Now I just spent 8 hours inside a classroom spending my day getting other people's children to pick up after themselves. I don't want to clean up even more art mess in my house just to get dinner on the table.

So I arrived at a outside. So here they are happily painting away on the grass. Yeah an occasional dog tried to venture into the studio space but you know every artist has to work through difficulties now and then.
The finished products... Art by Chloe
Art by Alexa...
As an added perk we now have colorful grass patches too.
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