Yesterday I took the girls to the library so they could sign up for the summer reading program. It is Chloe's fourth year and Alexa's first. They are both very excited to get started. Chloe loves to read and plows through books so quickly I was wandering through the stacks with her encouraging her to pick out multiple chapter books so that I wouldn't have to be back to the library the next day. I don't think it bought me too much time as today I found her in her room like this...

She was so involved in it she never even noticed Alexa and I sneak in to take her picture. The funny thing is it seems like just last week when I was reading
Owl Babies to her for the 1,000th time that I can remember thinking, "I can't wait until she can read for herself." And now... she is.
Alexa is so excited to finally get to sign up for this program. They have to be entering kindergarten in the fall to be able to do it. And don't think that watching her sister get prizes each week of the summer for the last four years hasn't built up some envy. She is so proud to finally have her own chart to fill in. It has further fueled her determination to learn to read. She marched us over to the learn to read books and we picked some off the shelf for her. The two of us sit together reading and working on our phonics. I can feel my brain digging back to all of the early reading lessons I haven't done since graduate school. But she is getting it!

Tonight she read several pages of one of the books to me with no help at all and she was pumped about it!