Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chloe's Concert

Chloe was in a music concert tonight at school. She was not thrilled about going, but when I read to her that her teacher said if you attend the concert then you don't have homework she perked up a bit. I wont say she was particularly thrilled to be up there, but it was cute and I enjoyed myself.

I took a few shots to post and some videos that I will try to put up. It was pretty crowded so I had to stand quite a distance back. She is in the first row, second from the right side in a long red dress.

The whole Prek- 2nd grade for the grand finale.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Is for You Mom

The other day I was talking to my mom on the phone. I was telling her the story of how the kids sit in the bath tub (with no water and clothes still on) and play with the hamster. "Oh, I would love to see a picture of that." Well, it has taken me awhile to get some, but here they are mom.

Cutie can sometimes be a little nippy. Alexa likes to be extra cautious and wear gloves just in case.

There. Good fun for all. Now who needs cable?

Monday, March 28, 2011


Alexa is sick today with a tummy bug. As you can see Cabbie is standing right by her in her time of need.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Easter Eggs

OK, so sure it is a little early for Easter. The thing is when Easter comes around the girls and I will have just returned from a trip to Arizona. I figured that given our travel adventure that week we really won't be decorating eggs. I decided to do it early this year rather than miss the whole thing. We started out with 18 hard boiled eggs.

There were a lot of colors to choose from.

They made them really colorful.

Then there were the extra details to add.

Now we just have to munch our way through 18 hard boiled eggs this week.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Playing Dress Up

A few days ago I was carrying a basket of laundry upstairs. When I got to the top step Alexa calls out to me through her closed bedroom door, "Mommy, don't open my door." Well, I immediately became suspicious.

"Cabbie and I are playing dress up and he isn't ready yet, so I don't want him to leave." Now I will admit my first thought was, "Oh the poor dog." But you know he is really tolerant and Alexa does love to play dress up which Chloe doesn't always want to do. So I was kind of impressed that she figured out a playmate. And I mean how bad could it be really? Well...

Then she added wings.

He makes a cute fairy, no?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ballet and Tap Class

Alexa has been attending ballet and tap class since November. She really wanted to try it, and after some searching I finally found a class that fit with our schedule. Usually the parents wait outside the class in the waiting area and watch on close circuit TV. Today we were invited in to see how the kids are progressing in their routine for the June recital. It was pretty cute to say the least. They always start with tap and then move to ballet.
Here she is heading over to find her spot (a small piece of yellow tape on the floor).
Watching her teacher for directions...
Moving through the shuffle tap...
Watching herself in the mirror wall as everyone gets switched over for ballet.

If the blogger site cooperates I will try to post some of the short videos that I took as well.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Day of Spring

It is finally here the first day of Spring. Not that you can really tell all that much up here in the North. There are a few signs if you look close enough. I noticed these in the front garden when I went out yesterday.

Sure they are still covered with dirt, leaves, and trash as the snow melts away and leaves it all behind. These are some crocus and tulip bulbs that the girls and I planted last fall. I love crocuses. These little buggers are the first things blooming just after the snow melt. I knew I would relish their color after the long winter and I am so excited to see them coming up. A few weeks ago there was about four feet of snow piled on top of them. There are other signs too that warmer weather might really be upon us. Spurred on by the sunshine and snow free sidewalks,
Alexa wanted to ride her bike today.
Chloe took Cabbie out for his first walk since October or November.

And check out Chloe's feet, another sure sign of Spring, mud boots. Bring on the warmer weather!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

This is how I sent the girls off to school today. Well, minus the horse that Chloe is holding.

All decorated for St. Patrick's Day. Linda, who runs the home day care that Alexa attends two days a week, gets the kids gifts for every holiday. She sent home some St. Patrick's Day bags with Alexa on Monday. They contained the headbands and socks. The kids poured through their drawers and add all the other things. Alexa dressed in greenish attire. What can I say if today was wear pink day she would have nailed it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Special Package

We got a rather special package today from my friend Jason. He was kind enough to send Alexa a birthday present. She loved the Angelina Ballerina doll. She put on her new tutu, a birthday present from me, and they danced together.

He also included a new puppy dog for Chloe. She has already begun its training on the dog team. Bu the present that had Chloe most captivated was the mosaic he made for her out of her drawing.
She keeps petting it and is very excited about how it came out.

Thank you Jason, you made their day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Friend Party

Alexa had her friend birthday party today at Zachary's Pizza. It is the same place that Chloe chose to have hers. Sometimes it works really well to have an older sister to inspire your party ideas. The kids had a lot of fun.

There is a lot of pink packed into that Jeep.

How about hanging on the edge of the school bus?

A rowdy time in the ball pit. Alexa has been dreaming of sitting in the special throne since she saw Chloe get to sit in it for her birthday.
I think it was all she had hoped for.
There was pizza...

Her request was for strawberries on the cake. They were rather juicy and we lost a few. Her other request for her cake was, "A big five right in the middle of it."

Then, of course, presents.
Now I am done hosting parties for another 9 months. Woo Hoo!