Saturday, July 10, 2010

Running Away

So, I have been way. Have you noticed? I haven't written a word in over a week. It is kind of a record for me since I started this blog. I wandered off to visit family on Cranberry Island in Maine. It is good for me to unplug a bit, but I know my faithful readers (all two of you) may have wondered where we I have been. So I will, of course, catch you up with some lovely stories (and videos if the blogger site cooperates) in the days to come. We had our usual beach fun on the island. It was really hot for most of the week. So having a 50 degree ocean 1/4 mile down the street from us was really nice.

We first went to the 4th of July Parade in Bar Harbor (technically done on the 3rd of July this year). The kids really liked it last year and wanted to go again.

It had a few participants that only Maine could have...

The kids enjoyed it though and collected a lot of candy and trinkets that were thrown from the floats. Neither one of my kids are big candy eaters. Chloe is especially picky and wont eat most of what she collected. This led her to develop an interesting plan. Chloe decided to have a sale in front of Grammie's house and sell her unwanted candy to people walking by. She also decided to add collected seashells and sea glass to her sale.

I had my doubts about how this was going to go. I mean she is trying to sell tourists sea shells on an island with a beach 1/4 of a mile from us. I didn't want to see her disappointed, but I shouldn't have worried. She made $4 on her first day and was extremely excited. Turns out people are willing to give cute little pony tailed kids quarters. This only served to inspire her more, so that afternoon when her Grammy Eva offered to help her make dog biscuits to sell to people. She was all excited. Grammy mixed the dough, and Chloe rolled and cut them (with help from Alexa).

She headed out the next day with new merchandise. She sold her treats at 50 cents a bag.

We even sat a bowl of water out for the tired pooches. Over the three days of her sale, Chloe made over twelve dollars. She was pretty excited and is already making plans to expand for her next visit.

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