Saturday, March 27, 2010

Things I Learned...

Or maybe I should say things I was reminded of over the last 24 hours. I got Alexa a Tinkerbell CD player for her birthday.

Isn't it cute? I thought she would love it, and she did. That was until two nights ago when it quit working. You would put the CD in and all it would register was Er. Which I am pretty sure meant error, and not emergency room. She was in tears because she has gotten into the habit of playing her music each night while she goes to sleep. Well, I promised to, "Take a look at in this weekend."

Why do I say these things? I first looked at the paperwork that came with the player. It said all I need to do was take it back with the reciept. Um, wouldn't it have been nice if I kept that? I could also have a "certified technical expert" look at it. Not really sure where you find one, but I am pretty sure that was going to cost more than just replacing the thing. So I thought to myself, "I'll just take a look and see if I see anything obvious." I really don't know what I thought I was going to be able to do. I mean it involved this...

Which as many have noted is very shiny (from lack of use). But I attempted to unscrew things and came to this...

Well, this doesn't look good does it? I poked at a few things and wiggled stuff and then put it all back together. So now I proudly present....

The new one I bought her today. Please. We all knew where that was going didn't we?

The other thing I was reminded of? I was reminded that my body can have a huge physical reaction to emotional issues. Without getting too personal, after a week of apprehension and nausea leading me to make a phone call that gave me great mental relief. I learned this... there are some wonderful amazing people out there in the world, but I am not ready. I know that sounds vague and that is intentional because the details are really only helpful to me and not meant for posting on the Internet. It was a wonderful and liberating reminder that no matter what other people want for me it is only how I really feel about it that matters. May you all find the solace of always listening to your own heart.

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