Part of the fun of wandering a beach after a storm is all the "stuff" you can find. This kids found about 20 whole buoys that had washed up. Plus one lobster trap stranded in some rose bushes. The lobster trap belonged to Uncle Jr so it, along with the buoys, were returned to him. They also found more buoy parts. Pieces of buoys that had been broken possibly due to weather or having been hit by a boat. Chloe decided to build boats out of these.

Apparently bait bags come in pretty handy to use as your fishing nets, and if you happen to find a plastic fish (with the fins chewed off) that is just an added benefit. Recycled art at its best. She has quite a fleet assembled.

So many that had her leave a bunch a Grammie's house for future travels. It is bad enough I lug home about 10 pounds worth of sea shells after every trip I don't need eight buoy boats too!
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