Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stuck on an Island in Maine

The girls and I headed out for a trip to Maine on Sunday. It is a long drive between 7- 8 hours depending on the traffic and weather conditions. It use to take me a lot longer. I use to have to stop every few hours and change diapers or let them out to run around. It has gotten a lot better as the girls have gotten older. Usually a couple of quick bathroom stops and we can keep going. It helps that a few years a go I used my credit card points to buy a portable DVD player. My kids never watch TV at my house. So it is huge treat for them to watch movies while we travel. I also pack a lot of snacks and sandwiches. Alexa becomes an eating machine on road trips. She was eating her sandwich at 10:30 in the morning.

As you can see they aren't suffering too badly. Even the dog enjoys the ride. It helps that he can help clean the floor as we go too. Don't worry I snapped that picture while we were at a red light in Gardner, Maine.

Our trip to Maine was rather eventful as we were stranded for a couple of additional days. A huge storm hit the coast and pelted the island with rain. The winds were so strong that they cancelled the boats off for two days. The storm waves were amazing. We went down to check them out at high tide. It unfortunately was at night so I was not able to get any pictures. It made the trip quite a bit longer than I had anticipated, but the reason for a journey was to meet our newest family member...

Samuel. So we think it was worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I bet the storms you guys experience up there are incredible! Being stranded where you were sounds kind of magical to me. :) Remember, I'm in the middle of the desert.
