I tried to get a very sweet picture of the missing tooth in question, but my subject's cooperation was limited. Too be fair she was in the middle of arguing with me about her math homework. Turns out my children don't believe I know anything. I know this is a matter of course when it comes to parents and children, but I did think it would be a bit longer before they thought I was a total idiot. She had a math problem that said ____ - 2=6. I suggested that she add two plus six and that way she would know what the starting number was. She thought this was the dumbest idea ever. "It is subtraction not adding, Mommy." (be sure to exhale a long sigh and put and edge of are-you-a-complete-idiot to your voice when you read that line).
Lexa isn't much better. She came home from preschool today and told me it was President's Day for Abraham Lincoln and then said, "See I am smarter than you. I bet you didn't know that." What is it with this? I'll admit that seven years of parenting has amounted to a lot of sleep deprivation which probably has impacted my cognitive performance but sheesh. I can still subtract, and I am fairly competent on US Presidents. Well, the really major ones any way. I mean some of the ones in the middle who knows who they are...they don't really count.
I get that idiot sigh too. I always throw out, "I was a teacher. I know what I'm talking about." It usually makes them pause and consider even if just for a second. You, on the other hand, can pull the "I AM a teacher. I know" card.