After running some errands this morning, attempting to get the girls set for back to school with clothes and shoes. I shooed them outside to cool off in the wading pool. They discovered a grasshopper on the fence and Chloe trapped him in her net. We then transferred him to the bug house for further inspection.
They were pretty captivated by the guy. I loved how into examining him they were.
We did release him at dinner time so no grasshoppers were harmed in the writing of this blog.
Switching gears entirely, after bath I helped Alexa get in her pajamas. She asked if she could put on her new sneakers. I told her if she wanted to wear them to brush her teeth it was OK with me. I should mention here that as a result of running with me in the jogger for most of the summer. Alexa wants to run. She often runs home after we are done with the run. Sometimes over a half a mile- she has little legs. Her sneakers from last year do not fit. I bought her some sports sandals to wear this summer. I have been holding out on getting her new sneakers until closer to fall as her feet would have grown out of them. She has desperately wanted running sneakers.
Well... today she got them.
She ran up and down the hallway testing them out.
As anyone who has ever run will tell you there is nothing like a new pair of shoes.
What a good role model you are! She looks so cute with that big ol' smile on that beautiful wood floor.