My first car was a silver Chevy Spectrum. Well, actually that isn't true... my first car was a Ford Pinto wagon that belonged to my parents. I think I was so traumatized by the four speed standard transmission (with a clutch so hard to push my left leg was oddly stronger than the right), bald tires [because my dad always wanted to get all the wear possible out of them (I actually got a flat in that car by the hole being worn through the tire)], and let's not forget the yellow paint that made it resemble a banana. I have tried to block that one out. So my first car, that I spent my money on, was a 1985 Chevy Spectrum. It was a five speed standard transmission with a gentle clutch and a mellow silver color. Possibly a little too mellow as other drivers had a tendency to hit that car claiming they didn't see it. No kidding it happened at least three times. It was like the car was invisible, or maybe it is me that is invisible. I did attend an entire semester of my freshman year of college without a large majority of people knowing I was there. Seriously. It was a little weird how many people would approach me in January and ask where I transferred from. So it is altogether possible I have some type of invisibility cloak that I am unaware of.
It seems it was in effect today because even though I drive a RED Subaru Outback no less than four people almost ran into me today while driving through Ellsworth. Maine on my way back to Vermont. After the second time you begin to develop a bit of a complex. I know the tourist season can be a bit wild but this seemed a bit much. I did maneuver my way safely back home and for the first time this summer my check engine light did not come on during a road trip! Yippee!
We had the added perk this morning of my Uncle Lewis offering us a ride off the island on his boat. This was great because I was planning to take the ferry, but personalized service is so much nicer. It was a beautiful sunny morning for a ride.

Neon running lights. C'mon, you know you want 'em.