Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Alexa's Concert

It was Alexa's turn to have a school music concert. She said she was excited but she was also nervous. In the end she did wonderfully.
See if you can spot her in the back row center. I have some videos too I hope blogger cooperates so that I can post those too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This is what you can receive from the more guilt ridden child when both children and the dog end up on the naughty list.
Chloe apologized too. The dog.. not so much.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Many Faces of Chloe

She was having a lot of fun after dinner was finished tonight.
Cracked herself right up.

Alexa's Creations

Alexa tried her hand at barrette design.

She got the idea from a craft book.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tea Party

Alexa had a friend over today. She couldn't wait for her to get here.

They had a tea party inside the club house.
As you can see dressing up was involved.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Biking Weather

We hit record (or near) high temperatures today. It was about 75 degrees out. I had gotten the bikes out of the shed this morning and pumped up the tires. We biked to North Beach this afternoon just to check out the water. We were among many others who had the same idea. The place was packed, although very few ventured into the water as it was still pretty frigid.

The kids made a really neat sand/drift wood castle though. Chloe wandered into the lake a  bit.
Her toes became a lovely sade of red.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Alexa's Literacy Breakfast

I went to school with Alexa this morning for her Literacy Breakfast. She read to me from a lot of her books.

Her teacher has them choose a Beanie Baby stuffed animal to read to during class. Alexa chose this kitty months ago and hasn't swtiched it out yet. I think their parting at the end of the year will be sad. As you can see Kitty loves to listen to Alexa read.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Signs of Spring

The crocuses are up! Due to an extremely mild winter the crocuses, always the first to bloom, are up even earlier than normal.

I hope it doesn't drop a foot of snow on them next week!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Art Show

Last night there was an automated call from the girls school announcing that my child's art work was chosen to be displayed at City Hall. There would be an awards ceremony with awards given by the mayor tonight at 5:30. Well, talk about short notice. Also... which kid? So the details were a little sketchy but I figured we would just go and see who had art there. As it turned out Chloe mentioned it to her teacher and she gathered the details for us that it was Chloe's piece that was chosen.

Here she is identifying number nine as hers.

Nice birch trees don't you think?

She got her award and shook hands with the mayor. Alexa was a bit disappointed to not get one too. She decided the mayor was a meany head that didn't like her art and that it why we all voted for a new mayor. I didn't bother to explain that I don't think the mayor had anything to do with choosing the pictures and we just moved on from that. As you can see she perked up.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Real Deal

Alexa is officially 6 now. I had her presents out at the bottom of the stairs this morning. Like Chloe's birthday that also fell on a  Monday, I told her she could open one before school.

She chose the one Grammy Eva mailed her and was very excited about getting her own Bananagrams game.

I decided she should open one from me too that contained a new skirt for dance class. She had dance class this afternoon and she was very excited about wearing it and the matching flower barrette.

She had a wonderful day with a school wide field trip to the Flynn to see a performance, cupcakes for her class after lunch, and we even bought some chocolates for her to hand out at the end of dance class (they all sang to her too). So now she is six and she told me tonight, "I think the chance at being six comes while you are sleeping so you don't notice it as much." 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Alexa's Party

Alexa was up bright and early this morning wanting to start decorating for her party.

She hung up her bee streamers every where.

We worked on the cake together.

Chloe had a friend come over to play too. They were mostly upstairs playing but came down to eat and watch presents being opened.