Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Birthday

Today would have been my dad's 76th birthday. He hasn't been around to celebrate a birthday in quite awhile as he died in 1997 at the age of 62.

I like to think he took a nice walk in the fields today with his dog Sunny. She died a few weeks after he did. They were together a lot and I think she knew she was suppose to go with him, so she did.

As children I think we assume that our parents will always be there. I know even as an adult of 25 when my dad died I was still shocked. I figured he would be around for a lot longer checking my car engine and wandering through the woods. It didn't work out that way though. My dad has seven grandchildren. He only got to meet three of them. They would have liked to know him and I know he would have gotten a kick out of them. I decided to take my sister, Andrea's, idea today and make a chocolate cream pie in dad's memory. I have never made one before, but every year on his birthday that was my dad's request instead of a cake. I found it was pretty easy to make, although when the directions say stir continually while bringing to a boil, they really mean that.  Here is how it turned out. It seems to be setting nicely.

It seems a little funny to make a pie with just me here. I figure the kids will like to help eat it when they come home tomorrow, so it won't go to waste. Besides it seems important to do these things to teach they something about their grandfather. Even if it is just what kind of dessert he liked to eat.

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