As the girls have gotten older it has become harder for me to get out and run. When they were really little I used the jogger. That worked pretty well for a couple of years even though I used it long after Chloe was really too big for it. The summer I started this blog (2009) I ran with both of them in it. The jogger plus both kids and assorted snacks meant I was pushing around 70 pounds of weight. It was a lot and about 4-5 miles was the limit for them and me when using it. Last summer I tried to get the kids to bike with me a few times while I ran, but neither of them (especially Alexa) was able to bike all that far and the pace was not very consistent to say the least. I also tried to have a sitter come a few mornings a week so I could get out to run, but that wasn't great either. It is hard to find someone and when you do it is about ten dollars and hour. Which gets rather steep if you want to go more than a few times a week. This year I am trying out a new idea. I am using the high school track to run on. It is really tedious for me. I can't think of much worse, save maybe running on a treadmill, than running around the track. It really don't have much choice though. If I want to get a run in and I assure you I am much more pleasant to be around if I have had my run. So for the past two days the girls and I have packed up some activities for them and headed over to the track.
Today Alexa was used the long jump pit as a sand box. It worked rather well. She also brought as kick ball and kicked it around the field and into the various soccer and lacrosse nets that were set up.
Chloe settled herself in for a good read.
The high jump mat made a rather comfy place to settle in with a good book.
So far it seems to be working OK. I might even start to throw a few speed work outs in. Goodness knows I could use improve my times and it is an amazing track to run on.
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