We were at the craft store yesterday. Our task was to find something Thanksgiving related to do as a project. I was disappointed to see that there were only about five items relating to Thanksgiving and one was stickers. Apparently the world has passed right on by the holiday and cruised to Christmas. That leaves the holiday project to me so looks like the kids are making paper bag turkeys this year for decorations. In our explorations we came across these little letter cabinets on sale. They only had the letters "A" "B" and "C". What luck I only have a kid with an A and one with a C. I thought they would be the perfect things to clean up the small stuff the girls keep collecting on top of their dressers. So we took them home and the kids set to painting them.

They took the work very seriously and they turned out really cute.

The tops of the dressers look a lot neater now too!
Hey - I'm an "A" and the top of my dresser is a disaster!