Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I love this picture of Alexa. It isn't recent. It was taken over a year ago in February 2009 at my sister Andrea's wedding. I didn't even take the picture. Their friend Jeff, doubling as wedding photographer, did. She is surrounded by my mom (white shoes) and sister Cherie (red shoes) and someone else I can't identify by the shoes. The picture is a little fuzzy, but I still love it. Look at her, she looks a little lost doesn't she? Standing in the middle of all these grown ups. Some she doesn't even know, and everyone is just so tall. She looks so bewildered like, how did I get here and who are these people?

Alexa and I were driving home yesterday and we had a little conversation that went a little something like this:

"Mommy would like to live by the beach?"

"You know, Alexa, I have always wanted to live next to the beach. It would be great wouldn't it?"

"Let's do it Mommy. Let's move our house there. I would help carry it."

"Oh, Lex it doesn't work like that houses are to big to move that far. You sell your house and pack all your things in boxes. Then you buy a new house and move all your things to the new house."

"But Mommy I like our house. We could do it. We could move it. I know we have some friends that would help us lift it."

I love that she knows that. That friends will help you especially if you are feeling a little lost and bewildered. I have had some amazing people step forward this week for me. I am very grateful to you all. I thank Marti for books on meditation (I am becoming so balanced you will all be so proud), Robin for an amazing scrap book that still has me laughing (I think we should head out on another adventure. We need fresher pictures... and God knows we need better outfits!), and Renae for just dumping the whole bag of chocolate on my desk after that meeting and then standing with me while we just ate. Life really does just hand you everything you need to get through. Now, who wants to help Alexa carry a house?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that is your brother in law Ryan's shoes

