There is a box in my closet. A large Rubbermaid box containing the Halloween costumes of years gone by, old dresses their Grammie Sharon picked up at a thrift shop, as well as a few other random items gathered from who knows where. Every now and then the girls ask for it to come out so they can play dress up. I usually cringe because it means that my living room will now begin to look like a bad day at the Goodwill drop off with bits of clothing thrown everywhere.

It is comical, though, how different the girls are and how they make their play connect together. Alexa always wants to dig out the dresses and be a Princess. Chloe usually mixes it up but frequently becomes an animal of one kind or another. They always manage to combine their costumes and work together toward a common goal.
I present to you Princess Alexa...
and her pet Archeopteryx (costume from Halloween last year).
I sort of lost track of the story line but it involved something with a drum, a boat (also known as the couch)
a bad guy you were suppose to hide from,
and there was definitely hot lava.
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