I like to think that I am a fairly observant person. I notice things. So I felt a little out of it when I stood on the back deck this afternoon chatting with my neighbor Marty and looked at my shed. That is odd I said, it looks like that tree branch is right on top of the shed. Now to my credit it was rather windy and rainy last night. I would like to think that I would notice something like this a little earlier than 1:30 in the afternoon. I did not however. So I put a call in to a tree service and hopefully they will remove the item in question. Even more hopefully is that the shed did not suffer any damage other than the indignity of having a branch laying on it.

I was busy at work late into the night last night painting my living room. I completed a chunk of it. I am changing it from green to blue. I am about half done. I was getting too tired to continue. The girls will be home soon so it will, unfortunately, stay like this for a couple more weeks until I get the time to finish. It isn't really a job I can do with the girls here as small children and wet paint do not mix. I already warned my sister who is arriving on Friday to be here for my race that the living room is an interesting color combination. She seemed unfazed.
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