Last week at the grocery store Chloe wanted me to buy her trail mix. 'Will you be hiking on a trail?" I asked her. "Otherwise trail mix is just an M and M delivery device." She said she would, so today I decided to take her up on her word. It has been raining so often we are starting to grow gills. This morning the sun was shining. Although it is suppose to rain this afternoon, tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday... you get the idea. So I took the kids over to a small hiking area owned by the Diocese of Burlington. It is free to go and walk on their trails and all they ask is that you register with them for the season before you go. The trails are shady and largely flat with some nice overlooks to the lake. There is also a bridge that crosses the bike path that we ride under a lot so the kids were excited to see it from the top.
Since it had been so rainy I had them wear their rain boots. This turned out to a a pretty good plan as a lot of the trails were very mucky.
They came across some animal tracks they wanted to document.
They are thinking raccoon.
As you can see operation bait them with trail mix worked pretty well.
Alexa found herself a walking stick of sorts, although it was a bit short.
We had to walk across some boards that the water literally came up around your feet as you stepped on them. They thought this was a lot of fun. It was all going pretty well until Chloe started to get a blister from her boots. She was pretty grumpy about the whole thing. In fact she told me she was falling behind and would be eaten by the wolves. I was unaware that this was a big threat in Vermont, however I told her that I would take her picture to have documentation to show people what she looked like before the wolves carried her off.
This went over well as you might be able to tell from the facial expression.
Things I have learned from my children, an incomplete list
The point of painting is not THE painting. It is PAINTING. The end result
doesn’t matter, but enjoying the process does. Plowing through all your new
8 years ago