Alexa was making a batch of lemonade today. She decided she should save the seeds and try to grow her own lemon tree. You know to kind of cut out the middle man and move along her lemonade production. Now I feel strongly in inquiry based science. You want to know something go ahead and set up and experiment and see how it works. So I always encourage them, within reason, to conduct little experiments. Who am I to squelch her dreams of picking her own lemons by the knowledge that Vermont's winters would kill off any kind of citrus tree? Let's just cross that bridge when we come to it shall we?
Here she is planting her seeds and setting them out to grow.
Who knows?
Maybe we will grow a tree.
Things I have learned from my children, an incomplete list
The point of painting is not THE painting. It is PAINTING. The end result
doesn’t matter, but enjoying the process does. Plowing through all your new
8 years ago